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Athens Tourist Blog by Best Athens Tours


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Athens tourist blog by Best Athens Tours

We are delighted to share with you our love for Athens and Greece. We publish from time to time articles with useful information that help our visitors to get a clearer picture of our city. Every traveler who wants to come to Greece has the possibility and is entitled to learn news.

Our articles for Athens are related to inform concerning tourist destinations in Greece, points of interest, restaurants, hotels, entertainment centers, transportation and anything that can be useful to anyone.

You can send information and news that you want to publish on your behalf or share with others through social media articles that you are interested in viewing in different communities.

  • Why adventure tours? Adventure travel is more than a vacation. It’s a chance to get to know our world and the Greek culture better by putting yourself beside with the local people, in local places, and things that make it worth

  • This tour is for those that fun and excitement equals adventure. To most people Greece means ancient history and glorious heroes but we can prove that there is much more to offer! Tell us what kind of type are you

  • In this tour our knowledgeable drivers and guides will make you part of the special character of the Greek religion. You will have the opportunity to visit monasteries and places of great religious importance such as Meteora, Monastery of Saint

  • Allow us to give you the possibility to explore the fine flavors of the Greek wines. The procedure of the wine making became an art already in the ancient times with the grape variety and the ancient recipes travelling through