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Ancient Agora in Athens by Best Athens Tours

Ancient Agora

The Ancient Agora of Athens was a central public space in ancient Athens city-state. The literal meaning of the word is “gathering place” or “assembly”.

Ancient Agora of Athens by Best Athens Tours

The Ancient Agora of Athens was a central public space in ancient Athens city-state. The literal meaning of the word is “gathering place” or “assembly”. The agora was the center of the athletic, artistic, spiritual and political life of the city. In a few words, it was the heart and the life of Athens.

The site is next to Plaka, offering you a big number of the most important treasures of Ancient Athens and a very interesting place to visit during your stay in the capital of Greece.

Would you like to visit the Ancient Greek Agora of Athens? Search the name of the site in order to provide you the top tours who is including.